Friday, August 13, 2010

So Today Is Aug 13th And It Is Friday!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Learn about what researchers had to say about Alzheimer's disease

I am a fan of science news, and I always try to be among the first people who read their articles about new studies done worldwide, especially in the USA. Today I was reading about Alzheimer's disease and gum problem. The research is done by Dr. Kamer, a NYU Assistant Prof, in collaboration with Dr. Morse who is also an Assistant Professor. This study shows the positive relationship between gum inflammation and the disease that impairs our cognition as we age. This disorder is called Alzheimer's.
If you are interested, go to "science daily" and read more.
Or simply just copy/paste:

Note: AUG 5th, 2010: Another study is done by other researchers with regards to Alzheimer's and depression:
"Our study suggests that depression is truly a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease," said lead author Robert S. Wilson, PhD, senior neuropsychologist, Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center, and a professor in the Department of Behavioral Sciences at Rush. "If depression was an early sign of the disease, we would expect to see it increase prior to diagnosis and as the disease progresses. Our study found very little change."
I got this from "Science Daily" Date: 08/05/10 (You can copy/paste it)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Learn about time

Time is a resource that can be controlled only by you. At first it may sound like others are the ones who are in charge of your time, but in fact you are the one who manage your own time. Time is available to all people exactly the same. It cannot be saved nor can be renewed. Once it is gone, it is gone, unlike money, love, health, etc.

I am going to school for chiropractic care which is a very intensive program (everyday from 6 am to 6 pm), and if I do not know how to manage my time, I would be in real trouble. So, I searched a lot and read a lot about the topic of time management because it would help me to be successful in college and in life, in general. I learned that one of the most important elements of time management is not putting off. I learned that I can stop procrastination by creating goals that excite me. Also, I must say no to the activities that I know I would never do them, instead of procrastinating them. I learned to do the least interesting activities first and that to give myself short breaks between my study sessions or any lengthy activities. For example, if I have to study for 9 hours, it would be better to split it into 3 study sessions and 2 or 3 breaks. In other words, I should study for 3 hours then take a break then continue another three hours and so on.

If you are a student, you can apply the knowledge you gain from this topic to school. I am sure there has been times when you rushed to finish a project or when you did not find time for an activity that was important to you. To avoid such outcomes in the future, follow my advice: monitor and plan your time.

First, you need to consciously know how you spend your time. Then, begin to keep recording your time for a week. At first, you may be disappointed about where your time went, but then you can use those feelings as motivation to plan your time differently and more effectively.

Learn about yourself

The first step to discovering self is telling the truth to you about yourself. If you have an accurate view about your strengths and weaknesses, you will be more likely to go up on the ladder of success. However, if you deny your real self, you will be and stay in trouble. For some people, it is hard to admit that they have a problem or weakness. For others, it is not easy to recognize their strengths. We all can begin our work by looking at and acknowledging our flows, mistakes, regrets, as well as our accomplishments, and celebrating them all. Because once we know something is there, then, we can do something about it.

Throughout my life, I learned that I should look at myself with a good open eye, that I would better not criticize myself harshly and yet not ignore anything that is about me and happening to me. I learned that it is very effective to be specific about what I plan to achieve and get a big picture view of me which will help me to be successful in college, workplace, social environment, and personal interactions. The more I know about myself without judging, the more successful I can be.

Everyone can apply this topic to school. For example, if you are not a good note taker, you can improve it by first acknowledging it and also by making it a small deal, not a big deal. Then, you can tell yourself: “I have no idea how to take notes in class, but I can improve my note taking skills by practicing more, reading and writhing more”. This topic is also very helpful in any social interactions and any personal habits you have and want to improve. Just know yourself better.

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Make Your Own Website With

Learn that you are rich

Have you ever ponder about how wealthy you are? Did you know that you are already rich? Yes! Just look back; look at many years ago before you were even born; look at the royal families who lived many centuries ago. Did they have all the things that you now own? Did they have internet, computer, cell phone, technology, good transportation, smooth roads, camera to capture the moment, and many others? They even had diseases that are now curable, but back then those were deadly diseases. The average life expectancy was 40. They could not enjoy life as much as we can nowadays because they were dead soon. And guess what! You have these entire plus much more. You live in an era when the life expectancy is 102 years of age, and you have a chance to see your grand-grand-children. Therefore, it is a good idea to sometimes go back and look at how people lived in the past to appreciate our own resources more. Also, we can and should look back to see how much improvements we have had over the years and appreciate our own success.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Learn to have fun for free.... Yes! For free

Sometimes it seems like spending money is the only way to have fun and enjoy life. This is not true. There is free entertainment everywhere for you to search out, as an example; you can look around your local community to see what activities they have that interest you. I am going to share with you the things that I find enjoyable and yet they are free:

Donating time to community organizations is a wonderful way to contribute to our society and have fun at the same time.
Giving attention to elderly, especially if they are your parents and grandparents
Spending time with kids and giving them emotional support
Exercising, including but not limited to swimming and yoga
Massaging partner
Reading and Writing
Cooking at the comfy of your home
Appreciating sunrise, sunset, rain, nature
Fishing (might require some tools)
Donating blood (the last 4 are my husband's fav's)

And many other activities.... Just use your imagination. You can create better ideas of your own.